For over 35 years, Diamond Foam & Fabric has been Los Angeles’ exclusive source for the finest linens & fabrics from Europe’s original artisan mills.
Every mill we visit has a story that spans centuries. Their long history is reflected in the fabrication process and the quality of the fabrics it hand crafts.
A fabrication process rooted in tradition, culture, craftsmanship, and conservation,
A long journey begins…
The process starts as it has for centuries. Our mills follow the same traditional process that has been used by European fabric mills since the 18th century because it creates the highest quality fabric.
It starts with flax

The flax seeds and stalks are separated.
The stalks are placed in water and retted, a process that takes several days. Finally, the flax is dried and prepared for the looms.

Looms create the fabric as they have for centuries. This artisanal process creates higher quality products and produces less waste.

Our passion for finding the highest quality fabrics has led us to work with some of the oldest, and most unique mills in Europe. The result of this work is some of the best fabric that has character and history in every thread, assuring that what you put in your home was created with passion and purpose.

Just as shoes have their own character, whether they are made in the U.S., Belgium, Italy, England, or France, every fabric has its own signature, depending on its weight, yarn and finish. The unique signature of fabric is lost when the quantity of the product being produced is prioritized over its quality. You lose the unique style, technique, and character of fabrics made in a traditional manner with a love for the art.
This is why we seek out fabrics made by those that have a desire to create a product whose material and style will stand the test of time. We choose these traditionally made fabrics not just because they’re the best choice, but because they’re the right choice.